Welcome to a place I refer to as home

Its comfy and cozy and usually only bears room for one

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Friday.... or First Day of Autumn yay!

So theres been a lot of brain activity in the thinking area. I never think thats good thing, this time of year. I told Kevins parents my mommy story. I think they may be able to understand better why i react in the fashion i do to a lot of things. they know about the neglect i felt and how i no longer care for any of them. its just easier this way for me to move forward in life, where ever that goes..... Im a little more excited than scared this time. I believe I h ave Kevin to thank for that. Hes been a great person, an awesome boyfriend, and the bestest thing I could have imagined for. I love him dearly. Now its time to look forward to tomorrow.

Here are a few random photos and one or two of me. Im going to try before Christmas to get updated photos of me and Kevin. Its been a while since I took on of the both of us. Maybe I should update his Facebook profile picture every month too?! Hmm.....

 a very sleepy kitty... theyre all so adorable when they sleep and take up space on the bed....

 Sylvester enjoying too many human things.... it might be time to invest in another bag of catnip... lol
 5am bedtime and then Spotticuss kicks me out of bed... FUN FUN
 Later on enjoying pancakes for breakfast... what can I say?!
 Sunshine on a cloudy day... its been really rainy outside..... 
you have to question where this started..... was he bathing or sniffing his tail, like they do freakishly.... lol

unfortunately i couldnt get any recent photos of spotticuss outside of the kitchen or bathroom. shes absolutely in love with the tile... it keeps her cool in her current condition. hopefully Ill collect some sleeping and catching fly photos of them all soon. as much as i hate the fact that we have to get rid of her i cant wait to see her babies. how fluffy will they be? will there be another sylvester look-a-like? which sylvester would that kitty resemble most? oh theres so many questions!!! Well just have to wait and see....

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