Welcome to a place I refer to as home

Its comfy and cozy and usually only bears room for one

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day One

Sitting her watching Sunny, thinking about tomorrow. Frankly, today is almost over, so no need to dwell. It may only be Wednesday, but that can be a bright day. The pain is taking over more quickly. I dont want doctors bullying me though. And ofcourse the kitties. You cant help but shower them with love, despite how annoying they get. Like today, Sylvester wasted no time causing trouble with the smaller ones. Im trying to find a new home for one of the boys but no ones interested. Poor kitties. Lol.

And this little guy, sleeping away all the troubles in the world. He loves cat nip time, which led to this nap. Ronald McDonald went swimming in the catnip jar.

Sylvester, the molester. lol. I know, terrible nickname, even for a kitty. But, I swear his favorite past time is tryin to mount Fluffy. Hes a sweetheart though. Always trying to catch a nap in the most unavailable spots.

And the Fluffy Princess, aka Spotticuss. Shes the most quiet of all animals Ive ever had. For whatever reason, she loves to snack on plastic. Plastic! lol. She also has a tendency to try and suffocate someone in their sleep. I mean, just look at that tail!!