Welcome to a place I refer to as home

Its comfy and cozy and usually only bears room for one

Monday, April 30, 2012

Thanks to you and momma *

Thanks to you and momma, I always want to run.
Thanks to you and momma, I hate people everywhere (even without reason)
But then again, 
Thanks to you and momma, I dont trust anyone
Thanks to you and momma, Im afraid to let go completely
Thanks to you and momma, I dont properly appreciate the people in my life
Thanks to you and momma, somedays Im afraid to dream
Thanks to you and momma, I dont care about the innocence of life
Thanks to you and momma, Ive given up!

What is there to live for when your own parents dont care enough to love you unconditionally

Thanks to you and momma, Im nothing but a dumb fool.

All thanks to you and momma, and one fucked-up night in Mississippi.
Welcome Home!

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.” B Marley

You and momma aint worth suffering for anymore.

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